Thursday, 3/22/2017 “Large-Scale Data with Nanoscale Insight”
Thursday, 3/22/2017 “Large-Scale Data with Nanoscale Insight” Gabriella Kiss, FEI/Thermo Fischer Science How do cells signal change? What roles do individual cell …
Thursday, 3/22/2017 “Large-Scale Data with Nanoscale Insight” Gabriella Kiss, FEI/Thermo Fischer Science How do cells signal change? What roles do individual cell …
Information Location: The workshop will be hosted by NRAMM which is located at the Simons Electron Microscopy Center at the New York Structural Biology …
A Workshop focused on the management of multi-user cryoEM facilities was held on February 6-7, 2017. The objective was to discuss the …
This workshop provided hands-on training in all practical aspects of sub-tomogram averaging using Dynamo. The new Dynamo catalogue system for organizing and …
Thursday 12/8/2016 “Dynamo: Flexible Software Tools For Subtomogram Averaging Of Cryo Electron Tomography Data” Daniel Castaño-Díez, Ph.D., University of Basel, C-CINA While …
Tilt-series alignment is commonly performed by tracking fiducials in order to recover the three-dimensional structure and orientation of specimen in cryo-electron tomography, …
This workshop focused on computational approaches for cryoEM. The goal was to bridge between the computational science community in NYC and the …
This one day workshop focused on the RELION 2.0 software package and was led by its developer Sjors Scheres (MRC-LMB). The training …
FEI’s volta phase plate was installed on Krios#1 at SEMC in mid-September. Rado Danev (MPI) and Anchi Cheng (NRAMM) lead a workshop …
Wednesday 8/24/2016 “Cryo-EM data processing and information integration over the Web” Professor Jose-Maria Carazo, Spanish National Center for Biotechnology, Madrid, Spain