Sequential targeting and acquisition steps in the Leginon Multi Scale Imaging application

Sequential targeting and acquisition steps in the Leginon Multi Scale Imaging application

Targeting and acquisition steps in the MSI application. Color codings indicate the target/acquisition connections. The first step is always the acquisition of an overall grid atlas (top, left)constructed from a mosaic of images, acquired at a nominal magnification of 120x, one of which is shown in panel top, right. Squares selected from the atlas are imaged at 500x (middle, right) and used to select holes, imaged at 5000x (middle, left). One of the holes, marked with a purple cross in is used as a z focus target to reset eucentric height. From the hole image final high magnification targets are selected along with a low dose focus position marked by a purple circle. The approximate size of the electron beam used to acquire the focus image, shown as a power spectrum in panel at bottom, left, and the final exposure image (botom, right) are indicated by dashed circles. The focus and exposure images were both acquired at a nominal magnification of 50,000x.