Forum 12/11/2003

‘Low Voltage Electron Microscopy Specific and broad applications”

Ephram Shizgal – Delong America

The discussion will introduce the basic principles and applications of low voltage electron microscopy. The Delong Instruments LVEM5 will be used to illustrate low voltage electron microscope design and features.
Low voltage electron microscopy fills a broad niche that exists between light microscopy and high resolution electron microscopy and is instrumental in broadening research programs, as well as providing a highly effective tool for hands-on education. Specific applications where low voltage electron microscopy is advantageous will be emphasized as well as the broader applications of the technology in research and teaching. Low voltage electron microscopy significantly improves image results by increasing contrast. This contrast is inherent in the sample and is a notable departure from traditional electron microscopy techniques that introduce external contrast by staining the sample. Advantages of unstained imaging will be discussed. The discussion will conclude with a presentation of low voltage electron microscopy results from each of the imaging modes; TEM, STEM, SEM (back-scattered electron detector) and Electron Diffraction patterns.