Tuesday 12/7 Appion Part 3 Workshop

appion3Tilt-series alignment is commonly performed by tracking fiducials in order to recover the three-dimensional structure and orientation of specimen in cryo-electron tomography, negative stain tomography, and tomography on plastic sections. However this approach is sometimes fraught with difficulty due to fiducial movement, fiducial aggregation, or the lack of fiducials in specimen such as FIB/SEM lamella.

In this workshop users gain hand-on experience with a semi-automated implementation of Protomo into Appion. Protomo allows for fiducial-less alignment of tilt-series and refinement of specimen orientation on the grid through an iterative geometry refinement process. Appion-Protomo, which installs seamlessly with Appion, significantly reduces the effort and expertice required by the user to align fiducial-free tilt-series collected using any software package. All that is required is a stack of tilt images along with knowledge of their imaging conditions. Integrated within Appion-Protomo are pipelines for defocus estimation, CTF correction, and dose compensation, along with multiple reconstruction methods.

A youtube podcast was broadcast during the workshop and is available form the NRAMM youtube channel: Appion3 Workshop

To learn when the next Appion Part 3 Workshop will be held, please e-mail emg@nysbc.org.