Drosophila A Virus

Drosophila A Virus

The vinegar fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is a popular model for the study of invertebrate antiviral immune responses. Among the uncharacterised small RNA viruses of D. melanogaster Drosophila A virus (DAV) is the least pathogenic. The 8Ã DAV virion structure computed from cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction indicates that the virus structural protein forms two discrete domains within the capsid. The inner domain is formed from a clear T=3 lattice with similarity to the beta-sandwich domain of tomato bush stunt virus, while the outer domain is not icosahedrally ordered but forms a cage-like structure that surrounds the core domain. Taken together this indicates that DAV is highly divergent from previously described viruses.

Gabriel C. LanderRebecca L. Ambrose, Walid S. Maaty, Brian Bothner, John E. Johnson and Karyn N. Johnson1