Automation in Single-Particle Electron Microscopy: Connecting the Pieces

Automation in Single-Particle Electron Microscopy: Connecting the Pieces

Each aspect of cryo-EM can be automated to some degree. Our overall goal is to show that automation can be more than simply a tool to save time. Rather, we aim to present automation as a comprehensive and versatile strategy, one where the overall picture becomes more valuable than the sum of its individual parts. When the pieces are connected, electron microscopy becomes a mature and sophisticated technology that is increasingly capable of addressing complex biological questions. From Lyumkis, D. et al. “Chapter Fourteen – Automation in Single-Particle Electron Microscopy: Connecting the Pieces.” Methods in Enzymology Volume 483, 2010, Pages 291-338

Arne Moeller, Dmitry LyumkisAnchi Cheng, Amber Herold, Eric Hou, Christopher Irving, Erica L. Jacovetty, Pick-Wei Lau, Anke M. Mulder, James Pulokas, Joel D. Quispe, Neil R. Voss, Clinton S. Potter and Bridget Carragher