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sargis, Page 20

Forum 10/20/2005

“Structure of AMPA Subtype of Glutamate Receptors” Teru Nakagawa – UCSD Chemistry Department

Forum 10/06/2005

“A New Camera System for Cryo-Electron Microscopy” Anna Clare Milazzo – Chemistry Department, UCSD

Forum 09/22/2005

“Structure and Assembly of Large dsDNA Viruses and An Automated Program for 3D Image Reconstruction of Icosahedral Particles” Xiaodong Yan – UCSD …

Forum 09/08/2005

“Molecular physiology through molecular tomography” Ulf Skoglund – Sidec Technologies, Inc.

GroEl on JAHC grids.

GroEl on JAHC grids. A. Grid piece showing squares with good ice. B. Square image at 550x, showing variety of thickness across …

P22 Virions Magnified at 200K

P22 Virions Magnified at 200K Ordered DNA and the tail mechanism of the P22 virus are clearly visible at high magnification (image …