The Resource for Automated Molecular Microscopy is a NIH support Research Resource and is available to outside users for independent or collaborative projects. All prospective users requiring access to the Resource's Automated CryoEM Image Acquisition Facility are encouraged to apply.

A. Enter your username and password

 If you don't have an account with us. please register here

B. Brief description of the proposed project

A suggested format is as follows:
  • Short description:
    • - Title of the project (~25 words)
  • Funding Status for project:
    • PI, grant number, funding source,
    • term of funding.
  • Description of the project:
    • a. General description of the biological problem.
    • b. Significance
    • c. Preliminary results
    • d. Relevant publications
    • e. Biohazards associated with the project

The Resource for Automated Molecular Microscopy is required to submit annual progress reports that include publications that have derived benefits from the facilities. In publications and presentations please acknowledge the Resource as follows:


Users of the Resource are requested to acknowlege use of the Resource in publications as follows:
 "Some of the work presented here was conducted at the National Resource for Automated Molecular Microscopy which is supported by a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (9 P41 GM103310) from the National Institutes of Health."